Peer-reviewed articles
Feitosa, F., Pilet, J., & Talukder, D. (Accepted). Does Perceived Underrepresentation Foster Populist Voting? Yes. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties.
Vanagt, J. (2024). Appraising Measurements of Affective Polarisation in Multiparty Systems: Comparative Insights from the Low Countries. Politics of the Low Countries. Online First.
Vanagt, J., Praprotnik, K., Russo, L. & Wagner, M. (2024). Affective Polarization Among Radical‐Right Supporters: Dislike Differentiation and Democratic Support. Politics and Governance, 12(8531).
Vanagt, J. & Russo, L. (2024) The economic divide that isn’t: A comparative study on economic hardship and affective polarisation. Research and Politics, 11(4).
Kins, L., Jacobs, L., Close, C. (2024). Favoring ingroups, derogating from outgroups? How populist parties in Belgium polarize on social media. Acta Politica.
Jacobs, L., Close, C., Pilet, J.-B. (2024). The angry voter? The role of emotions in voting for the radical left and right at the 2019 Belgian elections. International political science review. Online first.
Eck, B., & Michel, E. (2024). Towards a Polarized Electorate? How Polarization Affects Turnout Decisions in the Belgian Context of Compulsory Voting. Politics of the Low Countries. 10.5553/PLC/.000079
Janssen, L., & Turkenburg, E. (2024). Breaking free from linear assumptions: Unravelling the relationship between affective polarization and democratic support. European Journal of Political research.
Knops, L. (2023). The fear we feel everyday: Affective temporalities in Fridays for Future. South Atlantic Quarterly, 122(1), 203-214.
De Moor, J., Hayes, G.., Kenis, A., Knops, L. (2023)., (eds). Running Out of Time? Critical Reflections on the Politics of Time in Recent Waves of Climate Activism, Against the Day, Special Issue, in South Atlantic Quarterly, Duke University Press.
Janssen, L. (2023). Sweet victory, bitter defeat: The amplifying effects of affective and perceived ideological polarization on the winner–loser gap in political support. European Journal of Political Research. (Preprint here.)
Michel, E., Feitosa, F., Lefevere, J., Pilet, J-B., van Erkel, P., van Haute, E. (2023). Studying dimensions of representation: introducing the Belgian RepResent panel (2019-2021). European Political Science. (Open Access).
Bettarelli, L., Close, C., & van Haute E. (2022). Is protest only negative? Examining the effect of emotions and affective polarization on protest behaviour. Politics and Governance, 10(4), pp. 311-324. (Open Access).
Bettarelli, L., Reiljan A., & van Haute E. (2022). A regional perspective to the study of affective polarization. European Journal of Political Research, 62(2), pp. 645-659. (Open Access).
Bettarelli, L., & van Haute, E. (2022). Affective polarization and coalition preferences in times of pandemic. Frontiers in political science, 4. (Open Access).
Bettarelli, L., & van Haute, E. (2022). Regional inequalities as drivers of affective polarization. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 9(1), pp. 549-570. (Open Access).
Devroe, R. (2021). Stereotypes, Who to Blame? Exploring Individual-Level Determinants of Flemish Voters’ Political Gender Stereotypes. Political Studies, 69(4), pp. 791-813. (Preprint here.)
Knops, L., Celis, K., Van Ingelgom, V., Mercenier, H., & Randour, F. (2024). Bitter-Sweet Democracy? Analyzing citizens’ resentment towards politics in Belgium. OpenBook Publishers.
Book chapters
Close, C., Jacobs, L., Kins, L., Paulis, E. (forthcoming). Partis politiques et réseaux sociaux en Belgique: une communication polarisante? Analyse de la plateforme X. In: Biard B., Schiffino N., La démocratie à l’épreuve de la polarisation, Academia-Bruylant, collection ABSP.
Dodeigne, J., van Haute, E. (forthcoming). Partis politiques et polarisation en Belgique. in B. Biard, N. Schiffino (eds), La démocratie à l’épreuve de la polarisation. Populismes, extrémismes et mobilisations citoyennes au 21ème siècle. Bruxelles: Academia.
Close, C., Kins, L., Jacobs, L. (forthcoming). La communication des partis d’extrême droite sur les réseaux sociaux en Belgique. In: Biard B., Gustin A., L’extrême droite en Belgique.
Knops, L. (forthcoming). Du désarroi au désir d’alignement: trajectoire émotionnelle et politique dans : « Être enseignant·e chercheur·se en anthropocène : Diagnostic – résistance – utopie », édité par Geneviève Fabry et Charlotte Luyckx. Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
Knops, L. (2024). Beyond the indignation of young climate activists: the political potential of climate-emotions. In Research Handbook on the Sociology of Youth (pp. 53-68). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Lefevere, J., & Verwee, A. (2024). De politieke voorkeuren van Vlaamse ouderen: Politieke attitudes in het licht van de verkiezingen van 2024. In D. Verté, J. Vranken, P. De Decker, & R. Crivit (editors), Recht op grijs: Bouwen aan ouderenbeleid Gompel&Svacina.
Scientific reports
Goovaerts, I., Lefevere, J., Smets, L., Tsoulou-Malakoudi, A. Verwee, A., Walgrave, S. (2023). Hoe burgers andere groepen als gelijkend of verschillend percipiëren.
This report summarizes the results of a pilot study we conducted with the Citizen Panel of the M²P research group of the University of Antwerp, which was sent out to the participants of the study. It dives into the perceptions of differentness and similarity (PoDS) that citizens have towards different partisan and non-partisan groups in society.
Popularized articles, blogposts, opinion pieces, and other media
For an overview of all media reports based on NotLikeUs data – as well as news coverage of these -, see here.
Tsoulou-Malakoudi, A., Goovaerts, I., & Scaduto, G. (forthcoming). “Ze zijn niet zoals wij”: hoe kiezers kijken naar andere kiezers. Samenleving & Politiek. December issue.
Lefevere, J. (forthcoming). Advertenties in de geschreven pers: een uitstervend ras? Een analyse van politieke advertenties in de Vlaamse geschreven pers, 2014-2024. Samenleving & Politiek. December issue.
Vanagt, J. (2024). “Dreigt polarisatie zoals in de VS ook Europa te verlammen?”. De Tijd.
Kins L., Close C., & Jacobs L. (2024). Hoe spreken politieke partijen ons aan op X? Samenleving en politiek, 31(6), 48-53.
Sbaraglia F., Close C., Kins L. (2024). « Elections 2024. La lutte contre la pauvreté dans les discours et programmes des partis politiques francophones en Belgique », Trimestriel du Forum – Bruxelles contre les inégalités, n°43.
Close C., Jacobs L., Kins L. (2024). « Comment les partis politiques francophones séduisent ou divisent sur le réseau social X », Politique. Revue belge d’analyse et de débat.
van Haute E., Close C., Kins L. (2024). « Les stratégies du Vlaams Belang en termes d’organisation et de communication », Les Cahiers du Libre Examen, « L’extrême droite », pp. 41-47.
Russo, L., & Vanagt, J. (2023). Electoral Democracy in Danger?, Fondation maison des sciences de l’homme. Blogpost on affective polarization.
Celis, K. (2023). Het parlement waar geluisterd wordt. Een voorstel tot democratische vernieuwing. Samenleving & Politiek, 30(4), pp. 38–43.
Close C. (2023). « Juin 2024 – Elections 2024: quel est l’impact des réseaux sociaux? », Dossier 12 mois 12 expert·e·s, ActuULB.
Janssen, L. (13/11/2023). Zoete overwinning, bittere nederlaag: Het verliezen van verkiezingen ten tijde van polarisatie. Blog on GASPAR blogt.
Janssen, L. (1/11/2023). Losing the vote, losing the faith: electoral defeat in polarised times. Blog on The Loop.
Verwee, A., Lefevere, J., & Walgrave, S. (2023). Politiek gedrag en attitudes van Vlaamse ouderen:
Een analyse op basis van De Stemming 2022. Geron : tijdschrift over ouder worden en
Amara-Hammou, K., & Celis, K. (2023). “Het gewelddadige protest is een politiek statement”. De Standaard.
Conference papers (to be updated)
Eck, B., Michel, E., van Haute, E. (2023, September). Party-Voter Congruence and Affective Polarization. ECPR General conference 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.
Jacobs, L., Close, C., & Kins, L. (2023, September). Different Groups, Same Dislike? Ingroup Favoritism, Outgroup Derogation amongst Elite Discourse of Populist and Mainstream Parties on Social Media. ECPR General conference 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.
Janssen, L., Kern, A., and Werner, H.. (2023, September). When they go low, we kick them: Affective polarization and its effects on reciprocal democratic transgressions. ECPR General conference 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.
Maes, H., Verwee, A., Smets, L., Knops., L. (2023, September). Affective polarization from a citizens’ perspective: beyond party lines and feelings of dislike. ECPR General conference 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.
Praprotnik, K., Russo, L., Vanagt, J., & Wagner, M. (2023, June). Coalition Signals and Affective Dislike of Radical-Right Supporters: The Effect of a Cordon Sanitaire. EPSA 13th annual conference 2023, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Russo, L., & Vanagt, J. (2023, September). Let’s (Not) Disagree: How Tolerance for Disagreement Shapes Horizontal Affective Polarization. ECPR General conference 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.
Tsoulou-Malakoudi, A., Goovaerts, I., Vanagt, J., & Walgrave, S. (2023, September). How Different or Similar are In- and Out-Group Party Supporters? A Literature Review of Perceptions of Differentness and Similarity (PoDS). ECPR General conference 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.
Janssen, L., & Turkenburg, E. (2023, June). Breaking free from linear assumptions: Unravelling the relationship between affective polarization and democratic support. EPSA 13th annual conference 2023, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Tsoulou-Malakoudi, A., Walgrave, S., Goovaerts, I., Vanagt, J., Severs, E., Baudewyns, P., Feitosa, F., Lefevere, J., Michel, E., Verwee, A. (2023, June). A Conceptual Note on Perceptions of Differentness and Similarity (PoDS). Annual Political Science Workshops of the Low Countries 2023, Leuven, Belgium.
Vanagt, J., & Russo, L. (2023, September). Affect, Not Money: The Inconsequence of Economic Hardship on Affective Polarization. ECPR General conference 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.